
Contemporary medical acupuncture applies the evidence-based concepts of acupuncture to relieve pain, alter movement patterns, promote tissue healing and improve performance. Acupuncture treatment Toronto is a peripheral nerve stimulation technique used for the therapeutic purpose of modulating pain and other dysfunctions of the nervous system to improve overall body function and speed up injury recovery.  Acupuncture treatments have been proven to be effective in the management of various conditions and can help with:

headaches, neck & back pain, arthritic conditions, chronic pain, neurological conditions, sports injuries, sprains & strains, bladder & bowel dysfunction, nausea, and stress & anxiety.

Are you looking for a well-reviewed clinic you can trust to help you?

We have the experience, treatment options, and track record of success to help you manage your pain.



    Chiropractic care is a proven, safe, and effective treatment that works with your body's natural healing abilities. Chiropractic treatment will help to normalize spinal function, reduce muscle tension and restore joint mobility allowing the body to optimally handle the stress and strain that we place on ourselves every day


    Contemporary medical acupuncture applies the evidence-based concepts of acupuncture to relieve pain, alter movement patterns, promote tissue healing and improve performance. Acupuncture treatment is a peripheral nerve stimulation technique used to modulate pain and other nervous system dysfunctions to improve overall body function and speed up injury recovery.


    Physiotherapists assess and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. From sprains and strains to joint problems to post-surgical rehab, physiotherapy is integral to helping your body fully recover. Typical treatments will include hands-on manual therapy, therapeutic modalities, and rehab & strengthening exercises to allow your body to perform at its best.


    Massage therapy is a hands-on treatment method used to relax muscles, improve circulation, reduce pain, increase mobility and relieve stress. Massage involves the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue to enhance body function and aid in the healing process. Massage therapy is a clinically oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with everyday life.


    It is important to undergo a thorough assessment and proper treatment of your injuries following car accidents. Many untreated injuries can become chronic and leave you susceptible to future injury. We offer various treatment options to find the right treatment plans for your needs. Receiving the proper rehab treatments will help you manage pain, recover quicker, and help ensure a full and complete recovery.


    Custom orthotics are specifically designed for each individual to provide optimal biomechanical support from the foot up. Poor foot mechanics can impact the musculoskeletal system and can be part of the problem with conditions such as foot, ankle, knee, hip, and back pain. Custom orthotics are an effective treatment for biomechanical restoration and support.


    Yoga is a powerful tool for working on and improving the mind-body connection. It has become a proven method for dealing with chronic injuries and painful conditions. Therapeutic yoga classes allow an individual to safely progress through various yoga techniques to reduce pain and increase flexibility while working within specific limits.


    Have you had a serious injury or require post-surgical rehab treatment but can’t come to a treatment clinic? Are you elderly or have a medical condition that prevents you from leaving home? No problem, we can come to you. We offer in-home chiropractic, acupuncture, and physiotherapy treatments in the Etobicoke and East Mississauga regions. We’ll work with you on your road to recovery to help you get moving again.

From head to toe, we can treat it all!

We offer various treatment options, including chiropractic care, acupuncture, physical therapies, massage therapy, custom orthotics, laser, ultrasound, IFC (electrical stimulation), and exercise programs to ensure a complete and timely recovery from your injuries.

Start feeling better with targeted treatments for your specific needs:







What to expect if you are experiencing…

Arthritic conditions

We can provide pain management therapy and help to build muscular strength around a joint to reduce pain and improve function.  Hopefully to delay or even prevent a potential surgery like hip or knee replacement.  

Pain management:

Chronic pain conditions can be effectively managed with regular therapy and home exercise.  These treatments are an excellent alternative or can work in conjunction with medication to help manage symptoms.  Some conditions (ie. sciatica) can often be managed conservatively with therapy as opposed to more invasive treatment options such as injection therapy or surgery.

Back or neck pain:

Your symptoms are typically due to tight muscles and stiff/irritated joints.  Our treatment goals would be to reduce pain by helping to relax tightened muscles and improve joining mobility and function.  Then incorporate stretching and exercise to ensure a full recovery.  

Sprain/strain or sport-related injury:

Typically involves soft tissue (muscles, tendons, or ligaments).  Our treatment goals would be to reduce pain and promoting tissue healing with soft tissue therapy techniques and therapeutic modalities.  Then to strengthen the area after the initial healing period.  

Dr. Kevin Chayne

Kevin is the chiropractor and acupuncture provider that you can trust for treating your aches and pains.  His advanced training in lower back pain relief makes him one of the best in assessing and managing lower back issues and their related symptoms. 

Kevin runs his own chiropractic and physical therapy office, where he treats patients with various conditions.  Dr. Cheyne has extensive experience and advanced training in a variety of techniques to help patients get through their injuries and to manage their pain.  These techniques include joint manipulation, acupuncture, soft tissue therapy, therapeutic modalities, and exercise prescription.